viernes, 17 de abril de 2009


Hi everybody!

Im not very good with the presentations. So i hope that you enjoy reading this.
My name is María Francisca, but people generaly call me only Francisca, never María; And it is better, because I consider"María" very common , because many people are called it.
Im nineteen years old and I study sociology in the Universidad de Chile. Im in the second year and I believe that this subject is very interesting.
I never saw myself like a sociologist, in fact many years I was very sure about my future and (it) never happened for my head the idea about studying sociology. I wanted to be other type of things; lawyer, commercial engineer, etc. It was in my last year in the school when everything changed. How? Mmmm when the 2007 was starting, I had a little trip to Cerro San Cristobal. I went whith my ex partners of school and the History teacher. We were exploring the place, when my professor presented to me an old friend. He was a Sociologist and was doing a study about people who lives under the bridge. And for first time in my life I could see things that (was/were) very very far of my reality. I was in shock; I saw little kids drank alcohol and sharing drugs with her parents. Young people with awfull scars, and nobody who can read or write... So I discovered that I wanted know, Why there is people that suffered this kind of things? How we can allow that this things happened!... So, for understand this, and more, I decided become in sociologist.

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